Earn up to 10% p.a. on your runway, with Tyke Wealth

Backed by deployment in instant settlements of payments by Payment Gateways or Payment Aggregators

Key Highlights


Assured data security with full encryption - No unauthorized use of data

High liquidity

Weekly settlement of income and withdrawal requests - No need to worry about liquidity

Your runway is deployed only for instant settlements of payments by PA/PG

Low risk

No Fee

No joining or withdrawal fees - It’s absolutely free to participate in

Full Indemnity

Returns on amounts deployed are indemnified by Tyke’s third party PA/PG partners

Start with as low as INR 10,00,000 and increase contribution in multiples of INR 1,00,000 thereafter


How it works

Share your GSTIN, PAN, business email address and mobile number

Open your Virtual Bank Account

Transfer amount to this Virtual Account

Share the transaction reference number for each remittance

Our cycle works weekly to ensure that your money is never locked in, to ensure liquidity

Earn up to 10% p.a. on this amount

Receive weekly reports with an option to deposit or withdraw capital

Weekly income is transferred to you

Interested in learning more?

Schedule a call to get your questions answered

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